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Interested in yoga but don't have time to make it to class?

Then why not bring yoga to your work place?!

Yoga at Work


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The typical duration of a yoga-at-work class is 45-60 minutes long. Class times are flexible and can be held during lunch or after work, either in your workplace or on zoom. Classes include breathing exercises, warm up and yoga postures adapted to the workplace environment. Each class will end with a final relaxation, leaving you feeling both calm and energised for the rest of the day.

It is not necessary to have a gym at work in order to host a yoga class. We can practice anywhere there is a reasonable amount of space, such as a spare conference room, lunchroom or meeting area.



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Practising yoga at work can help you and your colleagues feel happier, healthier and more resistant to stress. Please get in touch if you’re interested in bringing yoga to your work place!


  • Improved Posture: Sitting down all day can have a negative impact on posture. A huge benefit of yoga is that it can help reduce pain and improve posture. Yoga stretches and strengthens muscles, as well as increasing general flexibility and joint mobility to prevent joint stiffness and pain.

  • Increased Energy: Exercise has been proven to increase energy levels. Taking time out to focus on yourself and take part in some exercise, even for a short period, will help you tackle the rest of your day with increased energy levels.

  • Reduced Stress: For many people work can be stressful at times, and yoga is the perfect antidote. Stress can lead to changes in mood, anxiety and poor performance both in and out of work. Yoga can help reduce stress levels, enabling us to perform better at work and lead more fulfilling lives in general.

  • Improved Breathing: Many people shallow breathe throughout the day without realising. When you are not breathing fully, it can deplete your energy levels and make you feel sluggish. Yoga supports you by bringing awareness to your breathing and teaches you how to breathe deeply. It also teaches you how to use your breath to relax and reduce stress levels when needed. Particularly helpful when you have a never-ending ‘to do’ list at work and you’re feeling overwhelmed.

  • Increased Focus: Yoga combines movement with breath, teaching us how to live in the present moment. Developing this skill will allow you to control your mind so you can focus better on work tasks and bring more joy into your everyday life.

  • Better Morale: Participating in a yoga class at work is not only good for you as an individual, it can also encourage bonding with your colleagues!

  • More Ease in Mind and Body: By connecting with yourself in a meaningful way you will learn how to develop the tools to handle difficult situations in other areas of your life, both in and out of work. Yoga teaches us how to go with the flow and this enables us to react to situations with increased awareness and more emotional intelligence than we may have done previously.

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